🔼Adding Layer4 Network


Layer4 Network utilizes $LAYER4 as its native token and establishes an EVM-compatible code execution ecosystem for handling transactions and state operations. Consequently, users within Layer 2 (L2) have the ability to employ $LAYER4 in a manner similar to $ETH on the Ethereum network, primarily to cover gas fees. As a result, there are adjustments in the methodology of fee computation on Layer4 Network, a topic that can be comprehensively explored in the designated section. Any $LAYER4 tokens accumulated as transaction gas fees on L2 will either be distributed as rewards to validators or systematically removed through scheduled burning processes.

Connecting to Layer4 Network

Layer4 Network shares the Ethereum JSON-RPC API with almost no differences. You can choose to connect to Layer4 Network through any of the following means:

  1. Our rate-limited public endpoint: https://mainnet.layer4.network/

  2. Private endpoints from infrastructure providers

  3. Or, by running your own node

Chain Information

Transaction Status

A transaction conducted within the Layer4 Network can exist in different stages:

  • Sequencer Confirmed: The transaction has received approval from the sequencer on Layer4 (L2).

  • Confirmed On-Chain: The transaction has been recorded on Ethereum (L1).

For withdrawals, a transaction can hold any of the subsequent statuses:

  • Waiting: Confirmed on L1, but still within the challenge period.

  • Ready for Relay: The transaction has surpassed the challenge period and is prepared for release by submitting a relay message.

  • Relayed: A withdrawal has been completed, and the token is liberated from the bridge.

Last updated