Architecture of Layer4 Network

Components and modules part of Layer4 Network

Network Architecture

This diagram provides an overview of the interactions among various network modules and components as they progress through transaction execution, ultimately leading to the publication of updated state data on Ethereum L1, and the storage of rollup data on the Layer4 Data Availability (DA) system. Let's delve into the transaction handling process to gain a deeper understanding of each module's function.

Here's a breakdown of the process within the context of Layer4 Network:

  1. Users initiate signed transactions via an accessible RPC node.

  2. The Sequencer receives and assembles transactions into blocks. The DTL (Data Transport Layer) service synchronizes this block data. Verifiers retrieve L2 block data from the DTL.

  3. The batch submitter fetches updated state roots and forwards them to the Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS) module for verification and signing. Verifiers can also fetch the state root data to validate their authenticity.

  4. Once the TSS nodes validate the updated state roots and provide approval for the rollup batches, the batch submitter publishes the state root data to the State Commitment Chain (SCC) contract on Ethereum's L1.

  5. The rollup transaction data is stored within Layer4 DA. Verifiers have the capability to fetch this data at any time and validate its integrity, especially during fraud proof challenges.

  6. Layer4 DA nodes also post validity certificates to Ethereum's L1, ensuring ongoing liveness and availability with each new batch.

  7. Should the validity of the state root be contested using a fraud proof, L2 data is submitted to the L1 contract for execution and verification of the state transition.

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