Network Faucet

Obtain testnet $LAYER4 to get started

Layer4 Network's test environment facilitates experimentation and development with a range of test tokens, including tBNB, gETH, and tLayer4 tokens. This diverse selection enables developers to explore various scenarios and interactions within the Layer4 ecosystem, ensuring robust and comprehensive testing of their applications.

$tLAYER4 Faucet

LAYER4 Faucet is a simple faucet for Layer4 testnet that drips $LAYER4. It requires the following steps:

  1. Choose your option ( tETH, gETH, tLAYER4)

  2. Enter your wallet address

You will automatically be sent test token to your wallet on testnet.

$gETH Faucet

You can get $gETH (Goerli ETH) from any of the following faucets:

$tBNB Faucet

You can get $gETH (Goerli ETH) from any of the following faucets:

Last updated